Solutions designed for comfort and reliability.
In Military Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul operations, jobs can take on huge proportions. The associated dangers and safety challenges are immense. With 3M you gain an innovative ally, providing open access to a full arsenal of compatible, high-performing PPE; a continuously evolving range of product solutions and problem solving expertise.
Take the guesswork out of managing hearing protection compliance in your hearing conservation program with E-A-Rfit.
Additional Resources
3M is a leading resource for advanced hearing, respiratory and eye protection, communications headsets and other tactical safety and personal protective equipment. Each product is designed to perform under tough conditions and is subject to ongoing innovation. We help provide comfort during extended wear and have demonstrated field-proven, mission-critical reliability.
Visit our 3M Centre for Respiratory Protection for step-by-step tools to help ensure your safety programs achieve their respiratory safety goals.
Free on-site hearing conservation training for your employees! Learn more
3M™ E-A-Rfit™ Validation System
In three simple steps, fit test your hearing products and get objective, personalised results to help you protect your workers against noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). Learn more