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    Science of Safety Podcast: Episode 86.

    September 30, 2020



    Hero image of 3M background transitioning to a checklist icon Hero image of 3M background transitioning to a checklist icon Hero image of 3M background transitioning to a checklist icon

    Science of Safety Podcast.

    Episode 86:
    Safety management systems.

    Science of Safety Podcast.

    Episode 86:
    Safety management systems.

    Science of Safety Podcast.

    Episode 86:
    Safety management systems.

    In this episode, Sarah-Jane Dunford, Director and Principal Consultant from Riskology and One Touch Contracting joins host Mark Reggers to discuss safety management systems.

    Safety management systems provide a systematic business-like approach to managing safety elements in the workplace. They are used to continuously identify and monitor hazards, control risks and to help in the prevention of accidents and injuries. They typically include organisational structures, accountabilities, objectives, plans, policies and procedures.


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    Sarah-Jane Dunford in picture

    Guest Bio:

    Sarah-Jane Dunford (pictured left) is the Director and Principal Consultant of Riskology and One Touch Contracting.

    Involved in many facets of managing WHS over the past 20 years, Sarah possesses several qualifications and international organisational experience in the manufacturing, mining, utilities, aviation, construction, banking and retail sectors. Her speciality lies with the development and execution of WHS systems, strategy and culture change.

    Sarah-Jane has a drive and passion for improving the WHS industry as the founder of the Hunter Safety Awards, the NSW Regional Safety Conference and Expo and founding Chair of the AIHS Hunter Branch and Australian Safety Awards.

    LinkedIn Profile

    In this episode, Mark & Sarah discuss the following:

    • What is Safety Management System (SMS) and what is its purpose in the workplace?
    • Is it legally required to have a SMS?
    • Are there Australian standards for safety management systems?
    • Do companies who meet or are certified to one of these standards automatically meet their legal requirements?
    • What is the Plan Do Check Act (PDCA) concept, which is what the ISO 45001 OHS management system approach is based?
    • Using ISO 45001 as a guide, can you explain the main elements of a SMS?
    • What are some key factors that you want to see with a successful SMS?
    • It could be quite overwhelming for any organisation looking to introduce a new SMS or do an overhaul of their current SMS. What advice would you have for organisations in this situation?
    • What takeaway point would you want to leave with our listeners?
    • How can our listeners get in contact with yourself?

    Under the workplace health and safety regulations, operators of major hazard facilities must establish and implement a safety management system to ensure safe operations. However, safety management systems don’t need to be complex, but they do need to manage your risks appropriately and be continually reviewed and revised in order to remain current and effective. Australian standards provide a framework and guidance for workplaces on what to include in a safety management system, as well as the simplified plan-do-check-act approach for continual improvement. Tune in as we look at safety management systems in the workplace to effectively mitigate health and safety risks.


    Additional Resources:

    Contact a 3M Safety Specialist at scienceofsafetyanz@mmm.com for more information.