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    Science of Safety Podcast: Episode 85.

    September 17, 2020



    Composite image of 3M background transitioning to an image of nuclear power plant Composite image of 3M background transitioning to an image of nuclear power plant Composite image of 3M background transitioning to an image of nuclear power plant

    Science of Safety Podcast.

    Episode 85:
    Non-ionising radiation.

    Science of Safety Podcast.

    Episode 85:
    Non-ionising radiation.

    Science of Safety Podcast.

    Episode 85:
    Non-ionising radiation.

    In this episode Robert Blackley, Senior Health Physicist and Radiation Services Manager at ANSTO returns to discuss non-ionising radiation with host Mark Reggers.

    As opposed to ionising radiation, non-ionising radiation is a source of relatively low-energy radiation that does not have enough power to ionise atoms or molecules and unable to change the composition of a substance. Non-ionising radiation is found in a wide range of occupational environments, although considered less dangerous, overexposure can pose considerable health risks to potentially exposed workers if not suitably controlled.


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    ANSTO’s Radiation Services manager, Robert Blackley

    Guest Bio:

    Robert Blackley (pictured left with host Mark Reggers) is the Manager of ANSTO’s Radiation Services at ANSTO. He is responsible for the provision of radiation safety services to a large variety of industries both within Australia and overseas. Robert leads the radiation consultancy, radiation safety training and instrument calibration groups, providing radiation safety services to the mining, environmental, government, oil and gas, medical and private industries.

    He has extensive skills in compliance monitoring, contaminated land characterisation, radiological surveys, monitoring for Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM), waste characterisation, transportation, decontamination, source disposals, emergency response and delivery of radiation safety training.

    Robert holds a Bachelor of Science and Diploma of Business. He has worked in the radiation protection industry for 20 years.

    In this episode, Mark & Robert discuss the following:

    • What is non-ionising radiation and how is it different to ionising radiation?
    • How is non-ionising radiation associated with the electromagnetic spectrum?
    • What are the different types of non-ionising radiation?
    • What types of workplaces would you find non-ionising radiation?
    • Are there different types of radiation exposure routes?
    • When is exposure a health risk, and when does it become a concern?
    • Is there an exposure standard or limit of exposure?
    • Can you health monitor these different types of radiation exposures?
    • How do you protect workers from non-ionising radiation?
    • What key takeaway points would you want to leave for our listeners today about non-ionising radiation?
    • Where can listeners go to get further information on Non-Ionising Radiation?

    Non-ionising radiation is all around us; sources include power lines, microwaves, radio waves, infrared, ultraviolet, visible light and lasers. Our bodies are generally able to manage any effects of non-ionising radiation at low levels of exposure that exists in everyday life, high acute exposure that poses health risks occur in industrial settings and specialised occupations. In these environments developing administrative control programs to monitor and measure the various types of dangers that workers may be getting exposed to by following applicable standards is essential, as is the selection and use of appropriate personal protective equipment.


    Additional Resources:

    Contact a 3M Safety Specialist at scienceofsafetyanz@mmm.com for more information.