Episode 81:
Ionising radiation.
Episode 81:
Ionising radiation.
Episode 81:
Ionising radiation.
In this episode Robert Blackley, Senior Health Physicist and Radiation Services Manager at ANSTO joins host Mark Reggers to discuss ionising radiation.
Ionising radiation is the energy produced from natural or artificial sources in the form of waves or particles. It has enough power to change the composition of substances it interacts with by breaking their chemical bonds. Although radiation has many useful applications in industry and medicine, over-exposure can be detrimental.
Robert Blackley (pictured left) is the Manager of ANSTO’s Radiation Services at ANSTO. He is responsible for the provision of radiation safety services to a large variety of industries both within Australia and overseas. Robert leads the radiation consultancy, radiation safety training and instrument calibration groups, providing radiation safety services to the mining, environmental, government, oil and gas, medical and private industries.
He has extensive skills in compliance monitoring, contaminated land characterisation, radiological surveys, monitoring for Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM), waste characterisation, transportation, decontamination, source disposals, emergency response and delivery of radiation safety training.
Robert holds a Bachelor of Science and Diploma of Business. He has worked in the radiation protection industry for 20 years.
In this episode, Mark & Robert discuss the following:
Employed in a broad range of industries, ionising radiation benefits many people and society, whether it’s due to medical treatments, production efficiencies in various industries, or simply providing better security screening at borders. Radiation hazards and exposure are in many ways similar to other types of occupational dangers around us; however, it can be used safely, provided the right controls measures are in place. Tune in as we look at ionising radiation, its uses, risks and management to ensure the safety of workers and members of the public.
Contact a 3M Safety Specialist at scienceofsafetyanz@mmm.com for more information.