Episode 58:
Naturally Occurring Asbestos.
Episode 58:
Naturally Occurring Asbestos.
Episode 58:
Naturally Occurring Asbestos.
In this episode Linda Apthorpe, Consultant Occupational Hygienist and University Lecturer returns to discuss naturally occurring asbestos.
Naturally occurring asbestos is the natural geological occurrence of asbestos minerals found in association with geological deposits including rock, sediments and soils. Generally, this refers to asbestos that has not been extracted or refined for commercial purposes and has been exposed unintentionally by excavation, road building or other construction or mining type works.
Linda Apthorpe (pictured left) is a Consultant Occupational Hygienist who provides consulting, specialised training and laboratory services to a wide variety of workplaces. She has over 20 years’ experience as an occupational hygienist, is a Fellow Member of AIOH and a Certified Occupational Hygienist.
Linda is also a Lecturer at the University of Wollongong for the Work Health & Safety Program which includes post graduate studies in Occupational Hygiene.
In this episode, Mark & Linda discuss the following:
People who live and work in areas where naturally occurring asbestos is identified or assumed to be present must ensure they are aware of its existence so they can take the necessary precautions to prevent exposure. Potential asbestos exposure, whether in the workplace or around the home due to natural sources need to be ascertained, and an asbestos management plan developed to eliminate or minimise the risks to workers, families and communities. Tune in as we discuss naturally occurring asbestos that can pose a potential hazard to human health if disturbed.
Contact a 3M Safety Specialist at scienceofsafetyanz@mmm.com for more information.