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    Science of Safety Podcast: Episode 92.

    January 28, 2021
    Hero image of an exhaust ventilation Hero image of an exhaust ventilation Hero image of an exhaust ventilation

    Science of Safety Podcast.

    Episode 92:
    Local exhaust ventilation - Part 1.

    Science of Safety Podcast.

    Episode 92:
    Local exhaust ventilation - Part 1.

    Science of Safety Podcast.

    Episode 92:
    Local exhaust ventilation - Part 1.

    In this episode, Adrian Sims, Managing Director at Vent-Tech Ltd joins host Mark Reggers for the first of a two-part series to discuss local exhaust ventilation.

    Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) is an engineering control designed to reduce or eliminate worker exposure to dust, fumes or other hazardous airborne substances that are created by numerous processes in the workplace. An LEV system captures the emissions at the source, removing them from the work area before inhalation to protect worker health.


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    Adrian Sims in picture

    Guest Bio:

    Adrian Sims (pictured left) plays an active role in the Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) industry. He is currently in his 6th year as Vice-Chair of ILEVE, where he has chaired the LEV Competency Committee and worked on the TC01 LEV TExT report format. He has also been heavily involved in the organising of the annual BOHS/ILEVE LEV Conference.

    He is also a member of the Building and Engineering Services Associations Council where he is also involved with their LEV section, working with others in the writing of industry guidance document TR40.

    His day job is the owner of Vent-Tech Ltd where his role includes the design of LEV systems and teaching the BOHS LEV range of courses which takes him to some interesting places around the world.

    LinkedIn Profile

    In this episode, Mark & Adrian discuss the following:

    • What is LEV, and what makes up an LEV?
    • Should workplaces go straight to LEV before looking at other controls?
    • If LEV is suitable as a control option, how do workplaces assess or determine their requirements?
    • Are there different types of LEV systems?
    • What impact does the size and speed of different dusts, and how gases and vapour rise, have on the selection of an LEV system or components of that system?
    • What should a workplace consider when looking at different LEV setups?
    • What are the different types of hoods? In what settings would a workplace use these different types?
    • What is capture velocity?
    • What is push-pull ventilation?
    • Do you have any general advice when it comes to LEV hood design and application?
    • Are there common mistakes you see with LEV systems in your travels?
    • What takeaway point would you want to leave with our listeners from what we have discussed so far?
    • Where can the listeners go and get further information about LEV Systems?
    • How can our listeners get in contact with yourself?

    Every day workers face the potential threat of contracting respiratory diseases caused by airborne contaminants from industrial processes breathed in at work. Workplaces can minimise these risks with the use of local exhaust ventilation (LEV) solutions. A properly designed, installed and maintained LEV system provides worker protection by capturing the contaminated air at its origin, effectively containing and extracting it from the worker’s breathing zone, purifying the air and safely dispelling the contaminants. An LEV system typically includes a capture hood, air transport ducting, an air cleaner and a fan to move the air through the system to a discharge point. Tune in as we explore the topic of local exhaust ventilation, an essential engineering control designed to reduce exposure to airborne toxins by removing the hazard before it enters the air.


    Additional Resources:

    Contact a 3M Safety Specialist at scienceofsafetyanz@mmm.com for more information.