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    Science of Safety Podcast: Episode 87.

    October 15, 2020



    Hero image of 3M mesh background transitioning to Safety Harness warning sign Hero image of 3M mesh background transitioning to Safety Harness warning sign Hero image of 3M mesh background transitioning to Safety Harness warning sign

    Science of Safety Podcast.

    Episode 87:
    Fall protection connectors.

    Science of Safety Podcast.

    Episode 87:
    Fall protection connectors.

    Science of Safety Podcast.

    Episode 87:
    Fall protection connectors.

    In this episode, Zach Lawler, Quality and Application Engineer for 3M’s Fall Protection Business in the Personal Safety Division joins host Mark Reggers to discuss fall protection connectors.

    When it comes to fall protection, connectors are devices that attach the full-body harness to the anchorage system. They are an essential element of any fall protection system used when working at height. They can be single products such as shock absorbing lanyards or self retracting lifelines, or multiple devices working together.


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    Zach Lawler with host Mark Reggers in picture

    Guest Bio:

    Zach Lawler (pictured left with host Mark Reggers) is a Mechanical Engineer who started his career as a test technician in the Capital Safety fall protection laboratory. Zach has been with 3M since they acquired Capital Safety in 2015 and has gone on to become the Test Laboratory Supervisor and Fall Protection Quality and Application Engineer.

    He works to ensure that end users have the right equipment for their task and that it is of the highest quality and safety. With his foundation of practical experience testing to AS/NZS standards and product knowledge, Zach has joined the Standards Australia SF-015 committee to assist in development of industrial height safety standards.

    LinkedIn Profile

    In this episode, Mark & Zach discuss the following:

    • What are the ABCD’s of fall protection?
    • What are some of the different connectors that may be part of a fall protection system?
    • What should a workplace consider when selecting from these various connectors?
    • Why are there double action and triple action karabiner options, and when would someone use a triple action over a double action?
    • How important is the gate strength when considering karabiners that may be attached to these varieties of connectors?
    • What is rollout when it comes to connecting different equipment in a height safety system?
    • How does a lanyard shock pack work to reduce forces on to the worker?
    • How does a Self Retracting Lifeline (SRL) work in the event of a fall?
    • What is a leading edge SRL?
    • What is a sealed SRL versus a non-sealed SRL?
    • What are the key maintenance and inspection requirements of these different connectors?
    • What takeaway point would you want to leave with our listeners?
    • Where can listeners go to get further information on Fall protection Connectors?
    • How can our listeners get in contact with yourself?

    To arrest potential falls full-body harnesses worn when working at height must be connected to an anchor point, this can be done in a variety of ways. Rope or webbing shock absorbing lanyards are the most common, but rope grabs, ladder sleeves and self retracting lifelines are all considered as connectors. Selecting the right connector is based on your application, the task undertaken and other factors such as fall clearances. It is also essential that the connector is compatible with the harness and anchor point at both ends, with particular attention given to the elimination of any potential for “rollout” caused by incompatible hardware. Tune in as we delve into the topic of connectors and their role in working safely at heights to keep workers secure in the event of a fall.


    Additional Resources:

    Contact a 3M Safety Specialist at scienceofsafetyanz@mmm.com for more information.