Episode 48:
Indoor Air Quality.
Episode 48:
Indoor Air Quality.
Episode 48:
Indoor Air Quality.
In this episode host Mark Reggers discusses the subject matter of indoor air quality with guest Kevin White.
Indoor air quality relates to the condition of the air within buildings and structures that we breathe in, and whether it is safe. Since we spend more than 90% of our time in-doors, poor-quality indoor air can affect the health, comfort and well-being of building occupants. It has been linked to reduced productivity and impaired learning in schools and has the ability to cause major health problems, such as allergies and respiratory diseases.
Kevin has been involved in the investigation of buildings all over Australia; from capital cities to regional towns for mould, water damage, asbestos and other air quality contaminants. These have ranged from simple residential dwellings to multi-storey office and apartment towers for residential property owners to corporate, state and federal government agencies.
Kevin is recognised as an expert in mould assessment and management. He contributed to the recent (2018) Federal Biotoxin Senate Enquiry, and to the WA Department of Health Mould Guidelines. Kevin has published several journal articles on mould and indoor air quality and has presented mould ecology and awareness training across the nation.
In this episode, Mark & Kevin discuss the following:
Just like outdoor air pollution, indoor air pollution can pose a risk to our health and is a big issue for the entire developed world who now spend so much more time indoors. If we’re not indoors for our job, we’re indoors at our home or travelling indoors in our car or public transport from work to home. Risks range from immediate short-term effects such as irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, headaches, dizziness, and fatigue through to more debilitating long term or at times fatal consequences such as respiratory diseases, heart disease and cancer. So, with this in mind, it is important that indoor air quality is as clean as possible to reduce the risk of associated health problems. Tune in as we look at indoor air quality, how it affects us and what can be done to control pollutants to help reduce the risk of indoor health concerns.
Contact a 3M Safety Specialist at scienceofsafetyanz@mmm.com for more information.